Hemochromatosis. Genetic Screening
Hereditary hemochromatosis (he-moe-kroe-muh-TOE-sis) causes your body to absorb too much iron from the food you eat. Genetic screening can show you if you these mutations. The sooner you find out the better.
Why it’s important to screen for Hemochromatosis
- Genetic researchers recommend screening for hemochromatosis as a top three health priority.
- Your genetics is the best way to assess your risk. Research has identified the genes that increase the risk of developing Hemochromatosis.
- Too much iron deposited into your organs and tissues causes significant and often irreversible harm. If you know early in life you have the high-risk genetic Hemochromatosis genes, you can be proactive and reduce your risk of developing the disease long before damage has been done.
- No-one should supplement with iron or have an iron transfusion before they screen for Hemochromatosis mutations.
Why screen through iDNA Health?
- iDNA Health offers the most accurate and comprehensive genetic screening available for Hemochromatosis.
- There are seven hemochromatosis mutations. Your GP will usually only screen you for 2-3, which means you could fail to identify your risk.
- iDNA will report on other genetic mutations that can increase the severity of your disease and highlight particular organs at risk. No one else reports on these genes.
- Referral for in-depth blood screening that is more accurate than a standard iron study and ferritin reading at indicating iron accumulation.
Personalised DNA Hemochromatosis Risk Report
- Your Hemochromatosis genetic risk factors are clearly identified.
- Clear and precise explanation of the health impact of iron accumulation, which can be life-threatening, and are often overlooked or ignored. High iron increases the risk of Alzheimer’s and can cause serious liver and heart damage.
- iDNA Health provide ongoing support to enable you to change your diet and lifestyle habits to decrease iron accumulation.
- Just having a blood draw to decrease iron levels is insufficient. You must deal with the oxidative damage caused by the high iron. iDNA Health screen other genes that will be important for protecting you from this oxidative stress.
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