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Elevate Program

Finally, a comprehensive program incorporating the latest DNA-based research to identify the key factors impacting on mood and your overall sense of wellbeing.

Who should do this program?

This is the perfect program for those people who are suffering from:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Post-natal depression
  • Suicidal thoughts, past suicide attempts
  • Bipolar
  • Schizophrenia
  • Post-traumatic stress
  • OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
  • Sleep issues, insomnia
  • Substance abuse
  • Eating disorders

Key Focus Areas

Analysis of Genes Related to Mental Health

Mental health disorders and symptoms are 50-85% hereditary. How you react to and perform under stress, how you produce and balance key neurotransmitters essential for healthy mood are impacted by your genetics.

Food Intolerance and Diet

Food intolerances, especially to gluten and lactose are associated with depression, anxiety, mania and bipolar disorder. Your DNA will quickly identify food intolerance and the right type of diet for you.

Alcohol and Caffeine

Alcohol and caffeine have a strong impact on mental health.  Certain genetic mutations can increase your risk of both alcohol abuse as well as your risk of mental health issues. In some people caffeine can increase anxiety. Use your DNA to understand how alcohol and caffeine are impacting on your mental health.

Gut Microbiome

Research is highlighting how your gut microbiome impacts on mental health via the Gut/Brain Axis and production of bacterial metabolic by-products.

Exercise and Mental Health

We can identify those individuals where exercise is critical to supporting their mental health through supporting production of nerve growth factors that are essential for brain and mental health.

Nutritional Supplements

There are key nutritional supplements to support neurotransmitter production and mood. We will use your DNA to pinpoint exactly what you need, no more guessing.

What’s Included in this program?

DNA Test
  • In-house DNA test (we will get your DNA under way if you haven’t done a DNA test yet).
  • We can use your 23andme of Ancestry if you’ve done either of these.
DNA Reports (13 reports)
Key Mental Health Reports
  • BDNF (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor)
  • COMT Gene: Warrior or Worrier Report
Food intolerances + Gut Microbiome Reports
  • Gluten Intolerance
  • Dairy (lactose intolerance, casein sensitivity and cow’s milk allergy reported)
  • Secretor Status (Gut Microbiome)
  • Response to Gram Negative Bacteria (Gut Microbiome and Endotoxins)
Lifestyle Reports
  • Alcohol
  • Caffeine
Nutritional Reports
  • Vitamin B | Methylation 
  • Vitamin D Pathway
  • Choline and Phosphatidylcholine
  • Fish Oil | EPA and DHA
  • Iron Storage and Hemochromatosis

Personalised Treatment Program

Addressing mental health issues is so much more than just taking prescription medication. Your personalised treatment plan will address the other key factors such as diet, food intolerances, key nutrients, gut microbiome, gut/brain axis and exercise, all based on your DNA.


  • Initial Consult DNA Test and Health Assessment (30 min)
  • Review of Personalised Program, Treatment Plan and DNA Reports (60 min)
  • Consult 1 of Program –Food intolerances (30 min)
  • Consult 2 of Program –Mental Health Genetics (30 min)
  • Consult 3 of Program –Exercise and Mental Health (30 min))
  • Consult 4 of Program –Gut Microbiome and Mental Health (30 min)
  • Consult 5 of Program – Key Lifestyle Choices (30 min)
  • Consult 6 of Program – Key Nutritional’s (30 min)

How much does it cost?

$1,611.00 (any products recommended will be additional)

Use our Direct Debit Payment Plan and pay off weekly or fortnightly.